The day we're together ❤,
and the day you left...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
my 1st time job^.^ these are the stuff and crew of PIKOM hi guys~~long time din blog~~haha how are u~~ i had been work there for 5 days and i stayed at my cousin house ~so every morning have to wake early and take lrt to klcc~while working time i was quite serious but then on the second day i started to be lazy,it is because i saw some of the crew did this, so i juz follow~~xD it was quite tiring ,cox we hav to work for long time ~which mean everytime i reach back oso around 12 to 1 am d~~at the time once i fall on bed i can straight slp d xD all the crew there is very nice~~i lik them xD guys of the crew~~where is gals?(i dono xD) i love you @ 10:33 AM
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
i wish to finish my foundation faster...its not fun in college !i wanna have long holidays!!after my foundation mostly i will take july intake becoz other then july is feb (that will be too faz )my foundaton will be finish at end of jan so hope time pass faster and don let me stress with all kind of assignment...this friday i will having maths test its 30 % and the nex week is the due date for maths assignment and its also 30 % too. (don think too much lar)juz study~~ i love you @ 8:07 AM
Monday, September 27, 2010
random Fuuuh....long time time din blog d..>.<....XD....be4 my previous post ther is a long holiday and till now my 2nd sem started...its was juz the 2nd week of the course and it will end at feb4 but then chinese new yrs will held on feb3...(wad the)...wad does it mean?XD...wadever this cours i had 6 sub there is effective eng communication ,econ,maths,acc,eng,and social pysco(dono wad this><) foundation actually we are mix with archi but then for the sem 2 archi was separate with qs for some sub so i cant really mix with archi student d... im feel to study hard le...but i dono i can keep it how long...><...but then i will try my best !!^^ i love you @ 12:42 AM
Sunday, August 15, 2010
things happen Monday is my english exam and after tat there is a long holiday .And now i were wanted to study but i don have the mood so i go and ply some game ,after game feel to read then i take out all the thing tat i needed to read ,i haven start then come to blogger and blog><.sometimes i feel my self useless parent had giv me all the thing but i din appreciate it well.i really wanted to make my self regret be4 its real regret.i hate to think a bout love i noe its wont happen so faz, so should i get into tis?feel of love is sweet but feel of love that u cant get its hurt!i get emo for tis few times d....past few days i meet an old uncle and autie ,their age is around 70+ to 80.they lik to chat with young guy and guide them,i saw him few times on train and we had chat for 2 time,1 time is past few weeks and another is past few days oni.i really surprise that they are educated and have a title.that time i were waited at the train station then suddenly they came and sat with me.they ask the thing thy had asked be4 but i still ans them wad i ans be4(lol).the uncle like to chat about education thing ,i was excited tat when i ask wad job is he doing.then i ask him ,fuuh he said he is an engineer and also a consultant and also a professor .he get charted in london and australia ,and he is also head of engineer .wao!i tell me tat nid to study hard ,nid to read and read and read,(lol this hu oso noe lar)and says don think about girl fren and all those plying fren find a time to study at library and more more more more...(lazy tell here)><...i feel wanna change after i listen all things but i didn't :-(....until here ba ^^ i love you @ 2:20 AM
Friday, July 16, 2010
Insomnia Sigh~ I had not enough slp. Be4 SPM that time i were keep slp late at nite..that time is for study so i slp late....after spm then i were damn free for few i use all the midnite time to ply game till 2 3 4 am...><...regret of it....and now i have my college life..but still slp late..i stoped my plying game habit..but its feel lik wanna come bac ,i am controling myself.. another thing tat makes me cant slp ,it is assignment....actually can do it fin but juz my bad attitude. ther is my laz minute work,i am trying to change it ...hope tat one day i will become more better.. i love you @ 2:44 AM
Monday, June 21, 2010
NcOuGlYpASEwISEwIS3CiSQGYcKEwprCjFvDhsKUFFfDtcOrwpk4LcOUY8K3NMO1w60QIMOuDx/DusKFa0rDhi01w5lwLMKQF37DtBU6wqNnw73DkiEzMyHDqy3DthPClMOGJsK6w4nCqMOnRTZ3wr7Dg27Dqy1UwolWwqI6ITEyIcK5wr3CjAjDr2LCl0VGwq4twrAgPSrChsKCwpDCusK6woXDmxdVwpHChsKTLcKEfHt/wrtuwozDtsOCwo7DvcOUOsK4WMO8LRYBw6vDvmHCp3nCmsO4ej/CiMOgwr/DjBstwr9UwogqUMKPFi4zw7LDkMOtwqoowr7Csi3DpsOafUrDnHjDjhBwKhvDsTDCr0chMTIhLR3DiGJLOMOJG3vCssK8QcOlwrLClyExMiHCoi3DvyEwIVvDp8KawrTDnlzCj3HDpHzCvcOiWn0tw4PDinbDmhDCjsOiN8K/w4LCg04PaMO9Qy3CjGfDrcOkKcOJwpAaITkhw43Dt8Knw7Q2BMO8LRdfGMKEwot+LsO6w7fCpcKAw7IRwqHCmcOvLR3DrEbDm8KAw7QpcAfCqcOuwoI0dcOHAS0hMTEhwonCpMO8d0TCv8OuZiE0NSFHwrzDisOGw7TDkS3DvMOuHWvDrcKtGsOuAnMbwrDDv8OqUXMtcF1jw5zDn8O7w54wwqzCj3RgV1ICwp0two7CtsK6ZDXDrMKCwqXCgcKjHwVzXsKVwoEtw4XCssKMbsK0HjrDiMOLw64hMTEhZCbDuQTCki3CpsKXwpZ1w6zDilYzwqY6w7whMTEhw6bCk1NJLTUhMzQhaEXDuTzDtR3CilfCtsOPecOVwqcHLV7DqcOgYcKuw4R3w68hMTEhWcOYw7DDtsKqcSExMiEtw4NMV8O+SsKDHUBew7EIwojCisOFw684LVHCsQhew5ZWQcKrWmLDj8OzUBLDjGotw5xFBz7DiMKmPMOTNcKdw7zDhhVgbiUtw4fClMKne3oCQMK7w6Y3H8OVwr4kw6IRLcOwRcOoQ3UVITM0ISrDoMOCHiMhMCHCtjchMzMhLX4xS3bCpMOPwpUgw4fCtMKLJHTCviTCpy00w44/OsO5w6bCmjnDncO0worDlcK7wrLCoTktN8Kzw65rHsOLYMOLKCzDs3PCug7DmsKzLXnDl8OBfcK7LMKEw4nDogNWTMKUMBnDgy3DoWbDicOmwqt6YRQWGFvDisO6wq0ufy3DmCzCmSE0NSHCp8Kcw4/DisONwpcFwpjDm8KuwpZ8LcOLNUZrDsKDf8O9ScKdw7/CpMKHwpBDwrQtQMKYwqLCsMK5XsOIOMKDQ8O2w4jCtVQFw5UtwroQITAhw4AhMTAhwqPDsMOUcizCuSXCn01vRy3DhWcVGcOQwr0Sw6HDnFvCl8KlwrXDhsKfAi3Drjpnw55uw6YOw4AhMTIhwqNgbcKwJGfCiC1RworCjcO5WFMhOSEIwosSwozCnAJjw7fDoi3DhkVsM0TDlXsmDsOTw78Zwp1IKsOfLSE0NSFYwptvw7Ymw67CjsK6wr/DvE3CvMO6HcKyLSExMSHDvRrDjMK6XU/DigbDlMKyLD7DuzHDky0IJmLDjsKVZSEzNCHCnznCn0YOw6rCmsKEw6otw4TChsO8RMO3w4cde2nChinDisK4wpwQwrUtw4p7OkXDhsK5UxPCrxDDvBXCokRoRi0OVnBVw6l9w5BCI8OaYyExMyHDgBoEcC0wJcOLw7XDi1XCglh7wr9Nwp7Dlm/ClMOQLSExMiFaWMOBEsKEWQ5xGcOVAsKrF8KjwootwqMCwpjDh1jDpcKkw6oyE1nDtcKnw6bCtMO5LWDCnH5IwosCJWzCuVYQVsOiw6fDksKxLTXDgsK8RygCwo3DhmrDvR3Dj2tYw7fDkC04U8ODVDsrw6gjw5bCh8KSZy7CtUzDlS12HMKkw7s+AsKzBsOdwrUaa8OfLMOMNy11XStnITEzIWLCqMKawrUPwp8jw7ogXsO5LcOSwp5YXsOdSBvDpsOhHcKEwqoXQF92LcO0HMK3w5gXcEosw6zCrsKLUXzCjn4bLcOOOsKYw4M3wpzCqcKyOMKpRMKGwpokwr/DqC1WJVXDg1FBw4Q+wqUyw5F5b00zPC1Iw7/DocKOw7ITITM0IcOEZVbDiH7CqsO0dzQtw4lPL8O0ITExIUprfMOsITM0IcOOwpUxacOwwqItV2nDr8KfScKqbxfCohNZIG43U8K1LcOZwqzCiSExMCHDtcOrRMKLITEwIXjDoUDCv8KIw6TCiy0wXcKZw5LDrSEzNCFiw5chNDUhwqEZZSbChX4hNDUhLcK+LFoDN3xbK8KdbHdJw6QxXRItw75qwpDDusKvbELDjcOvwqsdw4XCjcOLeywtH8O7wojDosK6w5l8w7TCtMO8w5lmITEyIUVmLi3CkcOFMn7Dl8OdwobCpMKed8KZw50bbnIWLcOmw5QYFMKVw57DgcOYw4vChWBTHlwcYC1MITMzIUlNSMKIBMKew4jCq1EGw6fCgB9jLVZFw6dtwpLDk1zDs2gXV8OVwrHCgMOBwoMtMcOywrFNf2PDuiE0NSE1fsOVwqp3CMOZwqEtNcO8TMOmwq7CpsKrwq0wLyEzOSFbVsOsXMKCLcKdNMKlOTLChWASNSEzOSHCgVw8w5XCmx8tMMKzwqTCoj7Dr2NAwqXDq8Ocw43DmcOlwosILUgcw7HDhCjChWfCrETDhHjCs8KMNsOLVS0owrTCjWTCjsOmw7M0RsKOw4TCjTkwfsOqLQRMw7gWw7d5w4U8wrHCuMK3PMOcI8Kaey0hMTYwIU16c8OJD2wxwpg7w4c4wqo7w7zCny1yRHl9a8KxITE2MCHDpsKIEcKGwrfDuAghMTEhwpQtwo4VaV0mwrwCBRrDjcKcQhVxITEyIcKqLcKBw7kubjMmwrxbwpw9w4TCrCXDkCExMSEOLcOuGMOdMnFjw7LCkMOwPzTDjHzChi7CjS3Dp2hXw6HDjm8fQ8KVESExMSEpCMKzwpPDgy19YsKEWMO/FlwhMzMhw6jClmU1MsOrwplGLTzDvkwhMCHCmmZ/wrEkHsKuworCrcOxEsOYLRzCkMKiw4rCqMOcw57Ci1g+dgchMzkhw5nCnsODLTJRw6fCt8O3ITEwIRXDncOEUDfDvsOyPEU8LSExMCHCmcKsNMKAWT45ITM5IWYZacOuITQ1IcKiw5Qtw6wEw6fCocOYwo7DpcKEVsKdwp/Cu8OKCDIoLR1kT8OncMKsw7BLZ8KqITQ1ITDDvTF4Pi14f1nDjBXClMOGw6oyw5DCvsKcUMOyY8OVLcKCw4/Dsh09JMKXwrlmw4UhMTIhWcOrJsOwBi3DsMKnwqjDpsOaRHt2w75bSG5rY8OLdy0VwojDnXhtwoRxwqs8MX3CjcOUB2TDoS02w5vCpsOIJcKQYcKcOsKXw7PDk8ORw4zCl8O0LWddITExIcKpw5/CjDNHUcO+wq02XEw7w6Itw73DtcKVUsONSg== i love you @ 12:05 AM
Sunday, June 20, 2010
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 i love you @ 10:43 PM
That Girl
The day we're together, I'm happy everyday whn im with you But when the day u left, I'm crying every nite Disclaimer welcum to my blog u're in my blog now So.... Do respect my blog no spamming n stealing get lost by pressing alt+f4! Sweet Pasts May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 November 2010 August 2011 Tagboard Sweet Escape yikthong yikthong yikthong yikthong yikthong yikthong yikthong yikthong yikthong yikthong Credits pls do not remove th credits! thx! Designer:yikthong Images:photobucket Others:XO |